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“Sociohorticulture” by Dr. Novak. Mar 19


by Dr. Joe Novak

 Wed. March 19; 12 Noon; Duncan Hall 3092 (map)

 Dr. Joe Novak coined the term “sociohorticulture” to describe the role of gardens in improving quality of life.  He examines the ways gardens affect children and heal adults as well as the connections between nature, contemplation and the creative process.  Novak has retired from A&M and now plans to develop the Houston Horticulture Center to study the role of gardens in rejuvenation of neighborhoods and in improving quality of life. Co-sponsored by the Real Food Revolution Club. Lunch will be provided by CSES to those who RSVP to cses@rice.edu CSES only offers veggie lunches and water; please bring your own cup.

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